Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thankful for YOU!

Waterman's Window

A note from the head honcho.

We at PEAC have so much to be thankful for this year. First, we are grateful for theparticipants in our programs who work hard to overcome personal challenges, and their supportive families who share in our vision of empowering and challenging their children.  Our annual Celebration of Cycling Ride was an opportunity for our students to showcase this dedication and commitment. September 13th was cold and rainy, but it could not dampen the enthusiasm of our students or supporters.
Second, we are thankful for the continued support of SMART towards our Active Transportation Program. This fall marks the start of our fifth year of the program with sites at Roosevelt High School, the Jo Brighton Skills Center, Visions Unlimited, Sterling Heights High School and Warren Cousino High School. This program continues to enable students to increase independence and achieve greater access in their communities. Check out this video in case you missed it earlier this year!
Finally, PEAC is grateful to our committed staff members and volunteers.  This fall, 25 students from Roeper High School in Birmingham, MI and 8 students fromCircle K at the University of Michigan volunteered their time to clean up our building, prepare our bikes for storage, and painted a base color on all of our Celebration of Cycling signs.  Additionally, we have a dedicated team of talented local mechanics that meets each month to make sure our cycles are at their best.  
Thank you for all of your support!
Happy Thanksgiving,
John Waterman 

                                              Donate to Make A Difference
Happy Thanksgiving from PEAC's Development Desk! We are truly thankful for all of our families, staff, sponsors and community partners who keep our programs up and running. This Tuesday, December 2nd marks #GivingTuesday.  On this day, charities, nonprofits, businesses, community centers and families around the world will come together for one purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give. Tuesday also marks the kickoff off PEAC's annual giving campaign. This campaign will run through the end of the year and our goal is to raise $4,500. Visit bikeprogram.org/donate to make a contribution. We appreciate you!  

State Senator Morris Hood
Travels with ATP!
At the end of October, five students from our Active Transportation Program at Roosevelt High School shared their public transportation knowledge with State Senator Morris Hood on a SMART bus trip to Panera Bread. Over coffee and hot chocolate, the senator and our students engaged in a discussion about disabilities, personal goals, and the importance of the bus. Thank you to our students for sharing their story, and to Senator Hood for his enthusiasm and engagement!

               Council of Disability Concerns Recognizes PEAC's Joe Altizer
On October 24th, Joe Altizer, former Summer Program intern turned full-time PEAC staff member, received recognition from the University of Michigan Council of Disability Concerns. Those who receive recognition promote acceptance and awareness of people with disabilities and are advocates for the civil rights of those with disabilities. Alitizer’s nominator says, “He is an tireless advocate of people with disabilities and encourages independence by teaching that they too can ride a bike.”

Nathan Bower Act Signed into Law
Great Work, PEAC Student Advocates!
On October 14th, the Nathan Bower Act, which will add two hours of bicycle and motorcycle awareness and safety to Michigan driver’s education curriculum, was signed into law by Governor Rick Snyder.The law is named after 19-year-old Nathan Bower who was tragically killed in a motorist-motorcyclist accident in 2009. James Kleimola, Conor Waterman, and Shawn Kohsman of PEAC joined the League of Michigan Bicylists and Nathan's family to testify in front of the Michigan House of Representatives and Senate in support of this law, and were part of the ceremonial signing with Governor Snyder. We are very proud of this team of advocates, and grateful for this law that will make Michigan roads safer for all users.

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