Monday, December 9, 2013

PEAC believes in Milestones

Milestones: a significant event or stage in the life, progress, development,or the like of a person, nation, etc.:

Take a moment today to reflect upon your life. What are the milestones that stick out to you? In more recent years, perhaps those milestones were getting married, buying a house, or getting a new job. But when you reach back into the depths of your memory, think about those early milestones. Walking, maybe? Going to school for the first time? What about riding a bike? Usually, that first feeling of freedom is one that is hard to forget!

At PEAC, we believe in reaching milestones. Milestones can be just about anything! When a student sets a goal for him/herself, that becomes the milestone. Take Ethan, for example. Ethan and his family decided that Ethan’s goal this summer would be to improve his steering and braking skills on the tricycle. We worked with Ethan on the track in the parking lot for several weeks in the beginning, before realizing that Ethan would shine on the trail around the park. By using this smaller track with real obstacles (the trees were pretty close to the edge!), Ethan was forced to use the handlebars to steer the bike away from the trees and stay on the course. It was clear that Ethan was having WAY more fun on the trail, too! Ethan accomplished this milestone and his pride was evident.

What happens when a child reaches a milestone? Parents cheer, staff members cheer, the student is beaming! There is joy all around, and it becomes a memory that is hard to forget.

PEAC believes in reaching milestones. Please consider donating today to empower more students to reach these life-changing milestones. Check out the Facebook page this week to see stories of some of our amazing students in action! Your donation will ensure that this work continues throughout the region and that more students are able to rise to new heights.

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